Video advertising represents a powerful advertising revenue
source for publishers and broadcasters. Digital video advertising made up
almost 10 percent of all digital advertising adspend in the United States, and
is growing more rapidly than digital advertising as a whole, according to the
“State of the News Media 2014” report from Pew.
Video ads typically fetch more per unit than any other type
of digital advertising, and the number of units of video advertising is
skyrocketing on both Internet and mobile platforms. Publishers such as Vice,
the Huffington Post, The New York Times and others are making a growing portion
of their revenues from video advertising.
World Newsmedia Network has
published Global Digital Media Trendbook each year since 2006. The 2014 trendbook
contains 500 data sets and 230 pages of analysis about digital media usage and
revenue patterns, including this data set. To download the GDMT free executive
summary, go to