Monday, March 2, 2015

Engagement on news websites higher with direct access

When it comes to users directly accessing popular news and information websites and not arriving there via a search engine or social media, time spent on average monthly minutes per visit varies, as do the average number of pages visited and average monthly visits.

When directly accessed, the average monthly minutes per visit to the BBC’s website is 2 minutes and 12 seconds, including 13 pages per visitor and 6.8 visits per month.

Engagement is higher on Buzzfeed, Fox News, The New York Times and the Blaze, with average monthly visits at 5:36, 9:06, 9:24 and 6:12, respectively. The average monthly pages are the highest for Fox News, at 29 page views per visitor per visit, followed by the Blaze, at 21.7 monthly pages per visit. Fox News garners the highest average monthly visits, at 11.1 visits per month on average, compared to CNN at 8.7 visits and the BBC at 6.8 visits, according to comScore.

World Newsmedia Network has published Global Digital Media Trendbook each year since 2006. The 2014 trendbook contains 500 data sets and 230 pages of analysis about digital media usage and revenue patterns, including this data set. To download the GDMT free executive summary, go to

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