Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reuters to offer Investigative News Network content

As traditional newsmedia outlets have cut investigative journalism budgets in recent years, investigative efforts have found a variety of other business models, and popped up in new spaces around the world.

Thomson Reuters today announced it has partnered with the non-profit Investigative News Network to add long-form watchdog journalism to its platform.

"Publishers are telling us investigative news is extremely valuable, but seems to be the first thing cut when resources get tight," said Chris Ahearn, president of Media for Thomson Reuters. "The new relationship with INN is another step towards addressing the market's need and providing our clients with stories they won't find anywhere else."

The INN offers investigative and public service journalism for local, regional and national audiences, and is made up of more than 50 news organizations. Currently, 30 INN members have signed up for the investigative news offering, and will distribute their content through the Reuters Media Platform. These include the Center for Investigative Reporting, the Center for Public Integrity, the Rocky Mountain Investigative News Network and the St. Louis Beacon, according to Reuters.

The arrangement “creates a new kind of partnership that reflects the changing ecology of news,” explained Margaret Wolf Freivogel, editor of the St. Louis Beacon. “The nonprofit news organizations are members of the Investigative News Network, itself a young organization that includes many small, fledgling operations dedicated to watchdog reporting as well as several older, bigger groups. All are interested in greater reach and impact for their work.”

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